Why choose acupuncture?
National Institute of Health publications affirm the benefits of acupuncture for many conditions. Since Vivacity treatments are tailored to the individual on a case-by-case basis, results are frequently more effective than conventional medical treatment alone for both existing conditions and preventation. Many people find the treatments to be stress-relieving and relaxing as well, leading to a variety of additional benefits.
What does acupuncture do?
By stimulating innate healing responses verified by imaging studies, acupuncture helps correct imbalances in the body/mind for prevention and healing. Acupuncture addresses the underlying source of the condition, whether it is muscle tension or dysfunction or inhibited circulation, to yield sustained relief.
Why do athletes use acupuncture?
Acupuncture for athletes built into training regimens, including triathlons and crossfit, yields reduction of injuries as well as performance enhancement. By relieving muscular pain and spasm and correcting muscle dysfunction, amateur and professional athletes experience work-out gains, increased endurance and speed.
Does acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture needles are much thinner than any other medical needles (about the diameter of a strand of hair). Typical sensations one may experience are warmth or a dull aching feeling, or you may not even notice the needles at all.
Is acupuncture safe?
Acupuncture utilizes only packaged, sterile and disposable one-time-use needles. When performed by a trained, licensed, board-certified professional like myself, acupuncture is extremely safe. I earned my Master of Science degree in acupuncture after completing 3 years of full time study totaling over 3000 hours, and have years of successful clinical experience.
What is a Vivacity Acupuncture visit like?
At the first treatment, we will discuss your reason(s) for coming in, and I will use therapeutic touch to gain information about the condition and how to proceed with treatment. Then, very fine, sterile needles will be placed in points along meridians and/or muscle groups. Other therapies may be incorporated depending on their appropriateness for the condition. You may then rest for a brief time during which you might drift off to sleep, daydream or relax while you receive the full benefits of the treatment. In subsequent sessions, we will track your progress from week to week and adjust treatments accordingly.
Will insurance or flex spending cover it?
Many insurance plans from Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Meritain Health and United Healthcare cover acupuncture. Text or email us, or upload your insurance information when you request an appointment, and we will verify your coverage to let you know what your cost would be. In addition to flex spending funds covering office visits/consultations and Vivacitea formulas, health savings account and credit card payments are accepted.
How should I prepare for my session?
What can I expect afterward?
What is common in terms of duration and timing?
An hour is recommended for the first visit to allow adequate time for a thorough intake and well-rounded treatment. Follow-up sessions typically last forty-five minutes to an hour.
The number of treatments depends on the condition. Generally, recent injuries or acute conditions take a shorter course or approximately 3-5 consecutive weekly treatments. Chronic conditions (present over 6 months) may require more. If you would rate the intensity of your condition a 5 or above (on a scale of 1 – 10 with 10 being the most), you can schedule twice a week for quicker results. If it is below a 5 on the scale, scheduling 1-2 weeks apart usually ensures steady improvement.
What if I'm being treated by another doctor?
Acupuncture works well in conjunction with medications, physical therapy and other forms of treatment. I work with Orthopedists and Doctors of Physical Therapy as well as massage therapists right in the same office, and connect with outside physicians or my patients’ existing providers to develop an integrative healthcare plan.
How do Vivacity sessions interface with therapeutic psychedelic experiences?
If you’re currently working with psychedelics on your health journey, we can time sessions before and after your experiences. If you are interested in a prescription ketamine experience, contact us to set up an intake with a prescribing physician.