We provide integrative medicine based on Traditional East Asian Medicine and recent medical studies showing evidence of efficacy.
In-person Treatment
Each session is individually customized, and our specialty is the release of stress and painful or movement-restricting myofascial trigger points, commonly referred to as muscular knots, through acupuncture. Sessions may include:
Circulatory Bodywork:
Techniques to invigorate the circulatory system for pain relief and immune support include infra-red heat or moxibustion warming body regions & acupuncture points, cupping to create small areas of low air pressure next to the skin gently pulling muscles upward to loosen tension, or gua sha using a smooth-edged tool to increase circulation in deeper tissues for long-lasting improvement.
Dermal Rejuvenation:
holistic treatment with microneedling and low level laser therapy (LLLT) for facial pain, skin and muscle tonicity changes, tissue elasticity and health as well as hair growth.
also known as E-stim – passes an electrical current between pairs of acupuncture needles attached by small clips to a unit generating low-voltage, low-amperage pulses on points effective for the condition(s) treated. Low-frequency stimulation is comfortable, subtle and proven to treat a variety of conditions, particularly those that are chronic, including pain, muscle spasms and neurological issues.
Psychedelic Bolstering:
central nervous system balancing treatments and/or somatic release before or after therapeutic psychedelic experiences for preparation or integration.
These visits develop personalized integrative healthcare plans, mapping out at-home options to meet your goals, balance your constitutional physiology, cultivate relationships and connections to foster strength and freedom in your life. Two common ways to focus a session:
Daily Optimization
Having a hard time fitting everything you want to do, from fitness and movement to nutrition, into the day?
A comprehensive plan can make this a piece of cake. A custom ‘Vivacitea’ RISE or SET infusion, formulated as a latte mix, looseleaf tea or capsules, can be built as just the right touch to start or end your day efficiently helping bring all you can be into fruition– for example by improving digestion and even boosting immunity and regulating hormones for optimized energy. If improved fitness is an aspect of your goals, I can assist establishment of daily meditation and exercise practices in addition to any rehabilitation program designed with a Physical Therapist or Personal Trainer (I collaborate with the best in both fields!).
Seasonal Balance
A custom ‘Vivacitea’ blend– for instance, one to support dietary cleansing allowing the digestive system to rest while the body rejuvenates– can be an ideal way to kick off a new beginning or maximize acclimation. Adapting activities and recovery practices around periodic shifts can also play a role in a comprehensive plan.