Spring Cleansing Detox

By: Margie Navarro, LAc
May 1, 2012

Spring is traditionally a time for cleansing and detoxification. Acupuncture and East Asian medicine offer a variety of treatments that can support this process. Systemic detoxification may be indicated when one has:

1) extensively used either medications or recreational drugs,
2) been exposed to toxins or radiation,
3) experienced liver or kidney disease, or
4) undergone tubal ligation or vasectomy.

In many cases, supporting the body in detoxification can provide more effective results in treating other symptoms. Acupuncture treatments for detoxification are also self-sustaining as they support the body’s natural processes of elimination.

1. The NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) protocol is one common approach that involves placing five acupuncture needles in each ear. This protocol is highly effective in supporting one during withdrawal from addictive substances such as recreational drugs, nicotine and alcohol, as well as processed or stimulating foods such as sugar, coffee or white flour. Adhesive point stimulators (often called ear seeds) can be placed on the points after treatment to help with any craving in the days following treatment.
2. Moxa is also commonly used in detoxification treatments in part to stimulate circulation through lymph nodes.
3. Bodywork including massage and lymphatic drainage techniques or skin brushing can also aid the body’s natural elimination processes. I especially like using an essential oil-infused massage lotion to aid this purpose.
4. While you are cleansing your body, don’t forget to clear that excess mental clutter using these mindful tips.


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