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The Synergy of Integrative Medicine

The Synergy of Integrative Medicine

As New Yorkers, many patients are looking to maximize their time doing self-care by consolidating appointments during the work week. For patients seeking an integrative approach to their healthcare, I offer acupuncture alongside physical therapy, massage therapy and performance coaching at my office. Because myself and these exceptional practitioners work together on a synergistic team, we see patient outcomes multiply.

The Quick Guide to Magnesium for Fitness Enhancement

The Quick Guide to Magnesium for Fitness Enhancement

Magnesium is one of the most commonly recommended supplements, and for good reason: it plays a leading role in over 300 biochemical functions and is needed to metabolize the energy-storage molecule ATP! While many common foods provide magnesium, often people do not meet the recommended daily intake of 400mg or have conditions that reduce assimilation so that more than the RDI is needed.