Intermittent Fasting (IF) was the most popular 'fad diet' of last year. With this level of hype, I receive a lot of questions from patients about fasting-- Is it safe? Does it really give the digestive system a break? The short answer is that 'yes, fasting can be...
Fitness Posts
The Quick Guide to Magnesium for Fitness Enhancement
Magnesium is one of the most commonly recommended supplements, and for good reason: it plays a leading role in over 300 biochemical functions and is needed to metabolize the energy-storage molecule ATP! While many common foods provide magnesium, often people do not meet the recommended daily intake of 400mg or have conditions that reduce assimilation so that more than the RDI is needed.
Acupuncture for Fitness Part 2: The Physical Feats of Artists and Performers
Is the physical development and discipline required to produce art and cultural performances that different from what athletes do? My experience points to ‘no.’ We know unequivocally at this point that acupuncture helps athletes reach peak performance levels as part...
Time Management Hacks for Wellness based on Scientific Secrets of Timing
I’m an avid reader and love science, so when Daniel Pink’s new book titled When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing was released at the turn of the year I got my copy right away and breezed through it. I’ve now had several months to integrate some of the...
Acupuncture for Fitness: Professional Athletes Swear by Acupuncture
In follow-up to my previous post with tips for runners, let’s take a look at other athletes who achieve peak performance levels with acupuncture. The science behind the bulk of the benefits from sports acupuncture can be summed up in another previous post on what...
Training & Recovery for High-Intensity Mixed Martial Arts
Last year I was inspired by Sylvie von Duuglas-Ittu's tenacity to take my fitness to the next level by training 5, sometimes 6, days a week in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). In addition to celebrating one year of exceeding my personal fitness goals, this post comes in...
An Insider’s Perspective on Cupping after Media on the Rio Olympic Athletes
Curious to get an insider's medical perspective on the cupping marks Michael Phelps and other Olympians were sporting in Rio? I've had several people ask my opinion on the media hubbub and first, let's get some things straight: The overwhelming majority of media...
An evidence-based Game Plan for Low Back Pain
Now that spring has sprung, with the warmer weather many are reinvigorating their exercise routines. For anyone noticing their range of motion limiting their activities, I'd like to address one of the most common complaints I hear in the treatment room: chronic low...
Happy, Healthy New Year’s Resolutions & Dispelling Myths about Fat
In honor of the new year, I am revisiting one of the most popular New Year's Resolutions I hear from my patients: to reinvigorate a healthy diet and fitness program to yield and maintain an athletic build. Before I get to the point and discuss what I've found to be...