Prior to becoming an acupuncturist, I spent a decade in the health food supplement industry researching, ordering and working with nutritional supplements. I learned a lot in those years about how to discern quality from hype. My Fullscript dispensary features what...
Nutrition Posts
Healthy Hydration – Proper Potassium Intake
My 2021 resolution is to research healthy hydration. In digging into this topic, I've come to appreciate the importance of potassium. It is an essential mineral that is commonly low in Western diets (similar to Magnesium) that can affect hormone levels as well as bone...
How to Do a Food Journal & Elimination Diet in 4 Easy Steps
Do you have chronic indigestion or other GI symptoms that you haven't been able to resolve? Have you ever wondered if certain foods are irritating your system? Aside from chronic pain, the secondary specialty in my practice is digestive complaints such as bloating,...
Two Simple Steps to Optimize Essential Fatty Acid Intake
While many new year’s resolutions entail restrictions, incorporating more high-quality fat in your diet can yield significant health benefits. These fatty acids are ‘essential’ because they are critical to processes like blood clotting and inflammatory response. However, it is not as simple as ‘the more, the better.’
The Why and How of Intermittent Fasting (IF)
Intermittent Fasting (IF) was the most popular 'fad diet' of last year. With this level of hype, I receive a lot of questions from patients about fasting-- Is it safe? Does it really give the digestive system a break? The short answer is that 'yes, fasting can be...
The Quick Guide to Magnesium for Fitness Enhancement
Magnesium is one of the most commonly recommended supplements, and for good reason: it plays a leading role in over 300 biochemical functions and is needed to metabolize the energy-storage molecule ATP! While many common foods provide magnesium, often people do not meet the recommended daily intake of 400mg or have conditions that reduce assimilation so that more than the RDI is needed.
Best Places to Enjoy a Healthy Cup of Tea in Chelsea
Teatime is an ages-old ritual that allows for both quiet midday reflection along with an energy and digestion boost. White, green and black tea are all made from the Camellia sinensis plant, but harvested at different points of maturity. Matcha is a variety of green...
Three Crucial Tips for Going Plant-Based (and why they say you should)
In the last few years there has been quite the hype around a buzzword shaping into the #1 food trend in 2018-- plant-based. With Patriot's QB Tom Brady, one of the major league proponents of this diet, heading into his 8th Superbowl let's take a closer look at what...
Is Gluten-Free another Diet Fad?
The simple answer is yes, and no. Here’s why. First of all, gluten is a component of the protein found in many grains, including wheat, barley, and rye. In the past decade, gluten sensitivity and gluten intolerance or Celiac’s disease have become common terms....