To continue exploring scientific findings on acupuncture, this post will cover its effects on the brain itself and structures of the central nervous system. Primarily through Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) studies, we know that acupuncture activates...
Medical Science Posts
The Science Behind Acupuncture — Part 1: Muscle & Connective Tissue
Many of the patients coming to my office are seeking acupuncture for the first time, and one of the frequently asked questions in that first appointment is how acupuncture works. I’ll sum it up here for all interested. Since the medical research on how acupuncture...
Adopting a Companion Animal May Be Good for Your Health
October is Pit Bull Awareness month, so as it comes to a close I want to take the opportunity to share some reflections on wellness benefits of companion animals including the much stigmatized American Staffordshire Terrier, commonly known as the Pit Bull. I haven't...
An Insider’s Perspective on Cupping after Media on the Rio Olympic Athletes
Curious to get an insider's medical perspective on the cupping marks Michael Phelps and other Olympians were sporting in Rio? I've had several people ask my opinion on the media hubbub and first, let's get some things straight: The overwhelming majority of media...
Rise & Shine: Tips to Sleep Well and Wake Feeling Rested
Do you wake feeling ready to rise and shine, or do you tend to rely on help from your daily 'cup of Joe'? Perhaps it is just a byproduct of living in New York City, but I frequently encounter people who feel overworked and tired. I often ask my patients about overall...
An evidence-based Game Plan for Low Back Pain
Now that spring has sprung, with the warmer weather many are reinvigorating their exercise routines. For anyone noticing their range of motion limiting their activities, I'd like to address one of the most common complaints I hear in the treatment room: chronic low...
Is Gluten-Free another Diet Fad?
The simple answer is yes, and no. Here’s why. First of all, gluten is a component of the protein found in many grains, including wheat, barley, and rye. In the past decade, gluten sensitivity and gluten intolerance or Celiac’s disease have become common terms....
Top 4 Low-glycemic Sweeteners for Staying off the Blood Sugar Roller Coaster
Ever wonder why you get an energy spike followed by a crash after a granola bar or even a glass of fruit juice? These blood sugar crashes tend to send people on a roller coaster, making you hungry more frequently or having cravings that lead to excess or low-quality...
Curing Painful Muscular Knots & What You Can Do at Home to Help
Have your muscles ever tightened into ropey fibers and formed sensitive bumps or knots? The medical term for those pesky knots is trigger points, and they are so common that studies estimate they are a primary cause in 75–95% of pain cases. In addition to causing...